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The classification of the metal corrosion
Time:2017年04月26日Source:adminClick on the:

Metals have many good properties, such as electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, strength, toughness, plasticity, wear resistance, and so on. Metal materials are still the most important structural materials, which are widely used in all aspects of production, life and scientific and technological work. Metal products in the production and use of the process, subject to a variety of damage, for example, mechanical wear, biological damage, corrosion, etc..

1, the definition of metal corrosion

Corrosion of metals is the destruction or deterioration of metals under the action of the environment. There are other expressions of metal corrosion. The environment refers to the contact with the metal material. For example, natural air, sea water, fresh water, soil, as well as the production and use of raw materials and products. As a result of the chemical or electrochemical effects of these substances and metal corrosion caused by the metal, in many cases, there is also the role of mechanical force, radiation, current, biological and so on. The part of a metal that is corroded, from a single element to a compound, to rust, cracking, perforation, brittleness, etc.. Therefore, in most cases, the process of metal corrosion is the inverse process of metallurgy.

2, the classification of metal corrosion

There are many classification methods.

(1) according to the corrosion process: chemical corrosion and electrochemical corrosion. Chemical corrosion is caused by the direct chemical reaction between the metal and the environment. For example, the corrosion of metals in high temperature air or chlorine, non electrolyte corrosion of metals. The medium caused by metal chemical corrosion can not conduct electricity. Electrochemical corrosion is caused by the electrochemical action of metal in electrolyte solution. The medium which can cause electrochemical corrosion can conduct electricity. For example, the corrosion of metals in acid, alkali, salt, soil, water and other media. The main difference between electrochemical corrosion and chemical corrosion is that it can be decomposed into two independent and simultaneous cathodic and anodic processes. Electrochemical corrosion is more common and more common than chemical corrosion.

(2) according to the form of corrosion damage and the distribution of corrosion zone, it can be divided into general corrosion and local corrosion. Total corrosion is the corrosion of the surface of the metal. There is a uniform corrosion of the same degree of corrosion at the same time, and there are different corrosion in different corrosion areas. Corrosion of steel and aluminum in acid washing solution is usually a uniform corrosion. The corrosion is mainly concentrated in some areas of the metal surface known as local corrosion. Although the corrosion of this kind of corrosion is not large, but because of its local corrosion rate is very large, can cause serious damage to the equipment, or even explosion, therefore, the greater the harm. Under different environmental conditions, the metal can have different local corrosion. For example, Kong Shi, crevice corrosion, stress corrosion, intergranular corrosion, wear and corrosion, etc.. According to the corrosion environment, the corrosion can be divided into high temperature corrosion and normal temperature corrosion.

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